How To Draw Manga Bishoujo Around the World

Publisher: Graphic Sha Pub Co
Pages: 128
Published: 2001-04
Language: English
ISBN-10: 4766111494     ISBN-13: 9784766111491

First of all, I just want to say that it is my goal to own every single one of the "How to Draw Manga" series. Overall, the series gives a very unique look on techniques used by manga artists, while allowing a small peek into the industry itself.When I first saw this book I was extremely excited, not to mention impressed. This is the first art book that I've ever seen that concentrates on the differences and similarities between women of different ethnicities. (If there are other books out there that does this, somebody let me know!) First, it divides the women into the three anthropological categories caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid, and gives the main characters of each type. Then the women are divided by country. The mongoloid, caucasoid, or negroid characteristics are pointed out to the reader, as well as physical traits that are specific to the the woman's country of origin. Now, here's where I get picky...
One reviewer was upset because they showed a woman from her country wearing old-fashioned clothes that her people do not wear any more. Well, duh. (I'm sorry; that was mean.) Most of the bishoujo shown in the book are wearing their country's traditional dress. This is obviously meant to give the reader a small taste of the country's history. Good for them.
What bothered me wasn't the clothes - or, in some cases, lack thereof. (You will see nipples.) What I would like to know is where did the author get her information? Are these images based on anthropological studies? Did the author gather photos or models of different ethnicities and nationalities in order to compile this book? Or were they somehow influenced by stereotypes or by the media? Also, it seemed as though that in some cases the author was trying so hard to make these women look different, that some of the illustrations just came out looking weird.
Does this rambling have a point? Yes! It means use this book as a starting point only; don't take it all for gospel. Most of the pictures are beautiful, and hopefully they will offer great inspiration.

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